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Bob causing trouble

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Updated December 01, 2020 | By Bob Fugett

Problems with the SNHU process

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Despite the clear excellence of the SNHU process, I ran into a few blips.

I will not belabour it here, but give the quick list:

1) Lack of communication between site areas (e.g., Admissions, Registration, Shapiro Library, Brightspace) caused me to get repeated reminders to buy materials, so I ended up buying the book twice before I realized it was just an e-blast mailinglist to which I unsubscribed.

2) There is no handy way to view a full course outline even after paying in-full for both the class and materials, and it drove me nuts trying to find enough information to feel confident I could get a headstart on the ENG-122 Course (and my book) until I found VLACS ENG-122 on another website.

3) Even after finding the VLACS sample outline with rubric, I spent hours trying to confirm it was valid information. Therefore an upper level link on the SNHU site itself would be helpful to avoid wading through all the websites that "pretend" to be associated with the school.

4) 10/07/20: In line with lack of area communications (see 1 above), I just received a reminder of an FYE-101 webinar, but when I inspected the email I was once again asked to fill out a profile despite having previously filled out one for mySNHU. Such profile information should be gathered with a single interface then propagated across platforms with Webmail being part of that meta-share. It appears SNHU has aggregated too many disconnected services on the main site, so I merely put a link to this eBook in the profile in order to compensate for the lack of uniformity. I also posted a test comment just to see if and how that works. Looks like most everybody else merely posted "Hi" to assure a record of their presence.

5) 10/08/20: After today's FYE webinar (which was excellent), I have not found a way to view completed webinars for review, which implies a lack of persistence, so at this point I will not bail out of my own process and into SNHU's.  [update: email with link was sent later, so the recording was available by 6:30 pm EST but probably best to run both systems (theirs and mine) in parallel anyway; also audio doesn't work on my iPod, so PC only for recorded webinar review]

6) sufficient to merely copy my Memo notes

   10/09/20 My Class Schedule
   very difficult to navigate drop-down

   found success with
   20EW2 - 20/21 Term 2 Oct-Dec UG
      (though not even close to alphabetical or logical)
         assume UG stands for Undergraduate

   UG = Undergraduate (confirmed)
                  per Academic Level "Section Information"

   EW = Evening/Weekend/Summer Day/Online
                 found via Self-Service/My Class Schedule/
                /Registration/Search for Sections/

cannot directly bookmark page

7) 10/10/20: failed log on to Online Writing Center looking for reference bibliographic format information; supposed email pass reset never arrived; currently I have 2 flavors of e-add/pass combinations (which should not have to be: 1 log-in, full access should be the rule); I'll try again after 10/12/20

8) 10/12/20 course available but...
just after midnight checked Brightspace
course is now available but Writing Center
remains available only on iPod but not PC
did get one step closer using long pass
for Pulse but still only resulted in looping
prompts; did notice mention that
instructions are found on course info
where I did find some content for later review

9) 10/20/20 iPod Touch vs PC versions of interface are somewhat at odds wherein some info is not available with iPod though earlier log-ins were easier; notifications were not viewable on iPod, so maybe a 2nd step registering device is needed but choosing PC as my goto device no matter

10) 10/28/2020 after figuring out how to proceed with analysis material I copied the full text of my selection out of three, pasted it into a memo so I could easily read it on my iPod Touch, read it, and thought, "You know, a thorough handling of this assignment might require reading the other two, as well." Unfortunately, when I went back to find the other content, I no longer had access as far as I can tell. Shit. Did I miss an opportunity? Maybe it's a copyright and security issue. Not worth bothering anybody about it.

have not been able to repeat SNHU problem
unable to access OpenOffice doc saved as
Word 6.0; my newly installed stand alone version of Word (purchased directly from MS) easily opened all versions I maintained from editing in OpenOffiice (.odt) and subsequent saved versions (.doc); however SNHU instructor immediately replied to my discussion board post for help saving .odt > .doc for SNHU by linking to a free-to-students version of 360 Office, so this is my own problem (clk discussion thread title to view all); will return to this problem after completing Assignment 02 which is due tomorrow

assignment numbering anomaly
3-3 Temperature Check: Analysis
sorts after the final submittal
3-2 Assignment: Writing Plan
2-4 Activity: Guided Analysis (GRADED)
is marked as incomplete in Grades, but I cannot find mention of it anywhere else, plus it is dated as due by Sept 27 th (which is the day after module 1 began so long past), therefore I am assuming it actually refers to the process underway with Jobst vis-a-vis emails and assignment submittals back and forth (I have a vague recollection that something was said about an element that will be graded later)
also also
no frills typo report emo to Jobst failed due to lack of openness for SNHU pages. It is a security issue I am sure, but it reminds me to carefully monitor for persistence and openness of all work.
also also also
appears the grades grid not perfectly following assignments list (monitor)

submitted withdrawal request for FYE & ENG-122
Course Withdrawal - Case # [12803957]
have received all As (3) to date
but instructor's last emi reveals SNHU
incapable of judging my work on a deeper level

Previously tolerated spam-like constant email ticklers continue despite my formal withdrawal

have identified 4 ip#s hit this book's home page from my emo lnk (emoB_SNHU_withdrawal), so SNHU is aware of the final problem making my work here done. My last email sent to them after full withdrawal is copied below:

Thank you for helping me efficiently disentangle myself from SNHU. Please add to the record that I proactively waive all privacy rights and allow free use (with attribution) of all my work done while applying for admission and while in attendance at SNHU. I am doing so in case some future researcher establishes as their thesis question something like, "What the fuck happened?" My hope is the result may be in furtherance toward the day the statement, "It's academic, really," ceases to be a first order derogatory slur.

Now it is up to them to address the problems (or not).

After stepping back from the situation I realize a simple answer exists. Although SNHU purports to prize the ability to work collaboratively above all, when I submitted a prime example of best practices collaborative process (as a query in fact), it went over the instructor's head, and they did not recognize it for what it was, so they asked me to resubmit but in a very restrictive manner. In doing so they also chose to use an insulting boilerplate pro forma response. In any case, if I were to resubmit, it would only be a copy/paste of the original as a new file. I now see the problem arose because SNHU's placement process missed the fact that they were putting me in a class for which I was significantly over qualified while assigning me to an instructor who was significantly under qualified.


I would like to say that I should be more careful of what I involve myself in, but in truth it was impossible to get enough information about the program without actually signing up, paying, and following the course. I can only say that in the future I will be able to use what I learned to more quickly identify an intractable problem.

So this.


Copyright © 2020 Bob Fugett, all rights reserved, hands off
this page Created: 10/07/2020
for Last Update see top of page


NOT affiliated with SNHU in any way

- Bob Fugett


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