Oct 04, 2020
| By
Bob Fugett
Sugar Loaf University

Sugar Loaf University: never on Facebook, never on Twitter
Distance learning is one thing,
but social-media is neither.
- Bob Fugett
Sugar Loaf University: never on Facebook, never on Twitter.
Attend classes in Sugar Loaf for college credit!
Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts is up and running.
- otherwise -
- But back to the main theme -

January of 2017 the Sugar Loaf University, Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts
was immortalized in an article by The Delaware and Hudson Canvas (p. 10)
Requirements for undergraduate College Credit
classes (separate from the Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts)
1) Enrollment in an accredited college or university such as SUNY Orange
following an appropriate study program.
2) Approval and reference by a faculty member of that institution.
3) Earn 1 hour toward your degree doing something you love guided by the
best in the field.
Study under career
life-time successful professional artists who are tops in their field while
earning credit toward your degree.
The Lenny Silver $1,000.00 study grant is
available for use in any Sugar Loaf for-credit class, and more study
grants are on the way.
Each individual studio may provide its
own access to college credit classes without Sugar Loaf University
10/22/2016 update
We are currently working to acquire full
accreditation of
Sugar Loaf University and establish a
Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts.
[11/01/16: The Ph.D. Program is up and running while the accreditation
process continues.]
Sugar Loaf University has its roots in and
follows the long standing proven precepts of
classical education based on the trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric) and a
slightly updated quadrivium (which was historically astronomy, arithmetic,
music and geometry).
Moving the Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts
toward accreditation changes everything, so a quick
update and reminder is needed.
Sugar Loaf University is not an online distance
learning school ... all classes are held on campus in person.
Opportunities for college credit continue while we
navigate the regulatory environment to acquire full accreditation
by one of the authorities of the United States educational system.
Due to recent instances of
people trying to appear more closely aligned with Sugar Loaf than they
are, plus some people misrepresenting their own teaching credentials, we
are now carefully screening discussions.
As of
this date (10/22/2016) all questions and applications are handled through an in
person visit to
Endico Watercolor Studio.
You may apply for the
Lenny Silver
$1,000.00 study grant to be used in any approved for-credit Sugar
Loaf class.
The original idea for Sugar Loaf University
was somewhat a joke with t-shirts, a wry twist on the observed truth of study
opportunities that are
available in Sugar Loaf, but the concept took on a life of its
own and received such
strong support
in the community we have to step up our
In the meantime the following information
is still valid.
Of course you do not have to study for college credit,
because there are over a dozen ongoing classes in music,
stained glass,
sculpture, painting, drawing, fashion design and
assembly from more than a dozen Sugar Loaf studios which you may attend just
for the fun of it while receiving the same high quality education
provided for the academic credit courses.
On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings along with
Saturday mornings, Sugar Loaf is teeming with educational opportunity, so
get started right away.
A full list of classes will be coming to this page soon with
classroom photos.
In the meantime browse the
campus on the
Location Photos page and follow links to various artists to see what
grabs your interest.

What are those Greek letters: Λ Ω Φ?
That is the Sugar Loaf University frasority (a unisex
combination of fraternity and sorority).
Just prior to January 2014, Bob Fugett did an extensive
Internet search hoping to find unique Greek letters which would give a
meaningful identity to the new frasority.
This was done in conjunction with the design phase of the first Sugar Loaf University T-shirts.
Therefore ΛΩΦ
(Lambda Omega Phi) was born, and Bob might tell you what the Greek letters
stand for but like he says, "It is like the sound of one hand clapping ...
much better when you figure it out for yourself. Sugar Loaf locals are most
likely to get it first."
Otherwise here is a little Search Engine Optimization
(Lambda Omega Phi) frasority.
Λ Ω Φ (Lambda Omega Phi) frasority.
f(Lambda Omega Phi) frasority.
Λ Ω Φ (Lambda Omega Phi) frasority.
All the above represent Lambda Omega Phi (neither a
fraternity, nor a sorority, but a frasority) a wholly owned subsidiary of
the Sugar Loaf Guild and Sugar Loaf community, being especially relevant to
the Sugar Loaf University elements within both the Sugar Loaf Guild and the
hamlet of Sugar Loaf itself, which is to say: nobody owns it, and there is
nothing like it, nowhere, nohow.
I thought Greek organizations like Lambda Omega Phi (ΛΩΦ)
always have stuff like secret handshakes.
Yes, of course, and here is ours:

(secret handshake ... sshhh!)
What is it with this Bob Fugett character; does he just make shit up any 'ol time he feels like it? Yes.
So then you actually cannot get college credit for classes in Sugar Loaf? No, you absolutely can study in Sugar Loaf with top level artists and receive college credit for it. That is a fact.
Where can I buy me one of them sweet Sugar Loaf University T-shirts? The Sugar Loaf University T-shirts are not for sale, they must be conferred (we call them free promotional gifts). However, you could always steal the design and have one printed for yourself, so below are links to camera ready copy. Front (PDF 1 Meg) Back (PDF 6 Meg)
Has anybody ever actually gotten college credit for classes in Sugar Loaf? Yes, absolutely. Below is a photo of some of Bob Fugett's students from back in the day when they were freshly back from winning awards in a Statewide competition. Later one of the students shown went on to receive an A for a one hour class of college credit from Orange County Community College (now SUNY Orange) using Bob's lessons (which they were still attending when they got to college) as an outreach extension program. Even later still, another of Bob's students succeeded with the same grade in the same manner, but at the time of this photo they were not yet Bob's student and were only referred to Bob by the college when the class for credit was undertaken. Of course Bob had to fill out some paperwork and submit a grade, but that effort was rather minor while the class work itself was merely his usual lessons, that is to say the best musical instruction possible and no skin off Bob's nose if somebody used it toward a college degree. In any case, below are some champion musicians circa 1985:

from the newspaper

photo including parents which was not published Bob is currently working on The Sound of One Hand Writing and has established a Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts.