BEWARE: AI (Artificial
Intelligence) is taking over the world.
This is never
talked about, but a terrible truth hides behind the Turing test.
The Turing test (devised
long before Big Blue beat the chess master Kasparov) was designed to confirm if
and when computers achieved human intelligence.
The test was described as
having a person in one room blindly interrogate by text a computer in a
separate room and a
human in a third.
The computer would be said
to have human intelligence when the texting interrogator could not distinguish
which is the computer and which is the human.
I have never heard it
mentioned before, but there is a second way a computer can beat the
1) Of course one could always increase the level
of the computer's intelligence.
2) But maybe it is
much easier to just lower people's
expectation of what constitutes human language.
Done, LOL!

See also:
Turing test
Deep Blue versus Gary Kasparov
As one of Sugar Loaf's
premier artists Mary Endico's career has always been strongly supported
by her ability to engage with art collectors one on one, face to face, eye to
Everything about digital
communications directly undermines that, but we are
hopeful we will be able to overcome most of the problems.
Post pandemic we have no
One problem which is far
from being manageable at this time is eye contact.
In-person lightning quick
connection with subtle micro-expressions that are locked in harmony
passing information back and forth non-verbally while exchanging high level
aesthetic content is
thwarted by even the slightest delay in a digital line.
The situation is further
complicated by the inability to look directly into somebody else's eyes.
Constantly darting furtive
eyes from screen to camera position and back again in order to read
somebody's immediate response while trying to appear as if looking at them is a disaster.
Include a mask, and... forget
The current situation may be fine for
broadcasters who merely read content without the need to constantly
monitor viewers' engagement, but in the highly interactive world of
art sales the technology has a long way to go.
Single-point camera
modules will always be a problem.
My suggestion is that
computer screens will need an interlaced pixel for pixel image capture
so that the human face is not captured by a narrow square tied to a preset
Unfortunately, that sort
of technology is a long way off.
As of 05/15/2020, I have
never heard of such a system even being contemplated, so I may have to
design it myself.
Even still, until pre-cognitive
computer chips become widely available, time delay will always remain a problem.
In the meantime, Mary and
I continue fudging camera positions along with presentation process in hopes of repeating
online Mary's
incredible in-studio personal touch.
See also:
discuss: Coach Taube
as example
Below is a screen grab from the French version of Wiktionary.
It defines a word for
"failure", and it shows that the United States has become the very
definition of the word failure.
Look up "failure" and you
will find a picture of American leadership next to it.
Thank you, Trump,
Turing and
Sugar Loaf, NY on the
other hand is anything but a failure, and the pages on this Guild website
give a clear understanding why.
We have weathered yet
another disaster in leadership by staying true to ourselves and
providing the best product and thoughtful service imaginable.
Now if you will excuse me,
I have to get back to working on my Dalf C2 language
certification from the French government.