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Sugar Loaf Guild : The Hidden History of Sugar Loaf, NY


       Sugar Loaf, NY 10981

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  Updated April 04, 2016 | By Bob Fugett

      Meeting Minutes 2016 1st Quarter

 [  Premise  |  2016 Q1 |  2015 Q3-Q4  ]

The Sugar Loaf Guild is renowned for fast, efficient, productive meetings.

"Simplify" sign by Manon Von Uchtrup
"Simplify" hand hewn sign by: Manon Von Uchtrup
18th Century Furniture, Sugar Loaf, NY

The sign above says it all.

Otherwise the following quote from Luft Gardens' brochure fills in the rest:

"Do what you can, with what you have,
where you are."  -Theodore Roosevelt

For how we do it see meeting agendas, minutes, and related below which are abstracted from the Forum to provide a concise record with context.

For why we do it see Premise.

Guild meetings fill the void left by the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce.


     Currently showing  14  Meeting minutes, agendas, and related

     for [  2016 Q1  |  2015 Q3-Q4  |  HOLD  ]

#Time ESTNameComment                       Bob's Response
76774/4/2016 8:51:27 AMGuild
From the final meeting of the Sugar Loaf Guild, Mar. 30, 2016.

brief addendum:

Otherwise, read this book, take the test, talk to Mary, prove you have an actual business in Sugar Loaf and are committed, and we will get the Guild Meetings going again.

Bob Fugett has not read the book linked above but saw a snippet interview with the author and realized it is just what he has been talking about, and since it is based on first hand accounts of observed human behavior, it is undoubtedly correct ... plus the book saves Bob the trouble of having to write any more on the matter himself.

And there you have it.

The Guild Meetings have served their purpose and are no longer needed.

Another job reliably, efficiently, and decidedly well done!

Seven months, 31 weekly meetings each and every Wednesday morning, all agendas fully published with meetings totally open to the public, just like clockwork.

An offer of a $100,000 grant for community projects (now rescinded), summarily ignored, all the while shining a brilliant beacon on community malfeasance.

Obviously people make a lot more by staying closed, sucking up grant money, and pocketing earmarked funds instead of using them for the good of the community.

Once again proof of Bob Fugett's thesis that money is almost never the problem but almost always the excuse.

Plus Orange County Tourism has lost its "funding for the arts", so their director will finally be pulled away from supporting the steady onslaught of injurious programs that have been so disastrous for Sugar Loaf, and one can only hope she will be tossed out of her position entirely once she focuses on Goshen, and they see the full results of her shortsighted, oblivious, and ill advised programs, such as the time she tried to bust the Sugar Loaf Sign Law!

76623/30/2016 10:38:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Mar. 30, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

7) Public Comment


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
1 minutes 12 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), NOT Mary Endico (Recording Secretary) who was in NYC for a doctor's appointment

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; Bob stayed.

Bob started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Bob started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement which is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

1) Make it yourself

2) Open your studio to the public

3) Post and keep full-time hours

Bob took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Bob so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 72 secs (solo effort)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76573/23/2016 10:37:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Mar. 23, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
0 minutes 44 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement which is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

1) Make it yourself

2) Open your studio to the public

3) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 44 secs (ho hum effort)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76523/16/2016 10:36:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Mar. 9, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
0 minutes 50 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement which is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

1) Make it yourself

2) Open your studio to the public

3) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 50 secs (first photo was in bad light)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76443/9/2016 10:37:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Mar. 9, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
0 minutes 34 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement which is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

1) Make it yourself

2) Open your studio to the public

3) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 34 secs (a new record with sub 30 in sight)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76413/2/2016 11:32:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Mar. 2, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
0 minutes 46 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement which is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

1) Make it yourself

2) Open your studio to the public

3) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 46 secs (Bob stumbled so a little slow)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76362/24/2016 11:32:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Feb. 24, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
0 minutes 39 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement which is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

1) Make it yourself

2) Open your studio to the public

3) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 39 secs (respectable)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76302/17/2016 11:32:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Feb. 17, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
?? minutes ?? seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement which is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

1) Make it yourself

2) Open your studio to the public

3) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 50 secs (a record)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76242/10/2016 11:15:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Feb. 10, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
38 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement which is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

1) Make it yourself

2) Open your studio to the public

3) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 38 secs (a fair result done 15 minutes early due just finished walk in HH)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76162/3/2016 10:46:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Feb. 03, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
1 minute 6 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement which is to describe the unique economic environment of Sugar Loaf, New York, and promote the three (3) proven aspects of successful businesses within it, which are:

1) Make it yourself

2) Open your studio to the public

3) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 66 secs (juggling proof of life camera to catch Bob smiling)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76131/27/2016 10:50:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Jan. 27, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
00 minutes 39 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement to promote inside Sugar Loaf the three proven aspects of successful local business which are:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 39 secs (a record)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76101/20/2016 10:45:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Jan. 20, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
00 minutes 49 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement to promote inside Sugar Loaf the three proven aspects of successful local business which are:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 49 secs (Bob hiccupped, try harder next time)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76071/13/2016 10:42:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Jan. 13, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:
(expanded further below)

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

3) Juried Show Committee report

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

5) Lawyer search report

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)


Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

3) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

4) Hiring a professional grant writer.

Due to the fact the Guild remains under attack only by those who are supporting their actions with government funding, we will hire (yes, pay money) for a professional grant writer in order to secure the approprate funds away from a steady stream of hurtful initiatives.

The results of those initiatives continue to imply that those running them get a certain amount from "a grant proposal", use some of it for the actual stated purpose, but pocket the lion's share for their own benefit.

It is ironic that the main business in Sugar Loaf at the moment seems to be having a job writing grants that is paid for by the government in order to write grants to get more money from the government.

On the face of it, that is not really so bad, but when the results are that those involved lose touch with the true local economy and actively cause harm to that economy, the scales must be balanced.

Therefore, the Guild having its own paid professional grant writer seems only logical.

We come up with a few dozen great grant proposal ideas a day (that are truly based on improving not hurting the local economy), so we only need somebody working full time to handle the busywork of the applications process.

It may be our only protection against those who wish to destroy Sugar Loaf and the independent businesses thriving here.

4) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

6) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
00 minutes 47 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement to promote inside Sugar Loaf the three proven aspects of successful local business which are:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 47 secs (not too shabby)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

76051/6/2016 10:45:08 AMGuild
Meeting Minutes
for 10:30 a.m., Wednesday
Jan. 6, 2016

Endico studio

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

Agenda Items:

1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 7, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

2) Lawyer search report

Reviewing all options.

3) Secure Background Committee report (with Forensic Accountant)

Awaiting report from Brad Kibler regarding FRAUDULENT use of the Sugar Loaf name.

4) Hiring a full time professional grant writer

Reviewing all options.

5) Juried Show Committee report

Mary ran all shows for the first 8 years she was in Sugar Loaf, and she has expressed a standing offer to resume doing so in order to steal the excuse from those who use the shows as personal revenue wherein they state the shows must be run by anybody who will accept the responsibility (no matter how poorly they handle the job) because there is nobody else to volunteer.

Actually, there are plenty of volunteers, but as long as the shows remain a quick and easy cash cow for a few individuals instead of an asset to all in Sugar Loaf, Mary expects her offer will be ignored as always.

6) Advertising budget: next $100,000 explaining Sugar Loaf's arts destination status

In light of the way members of the three (3) tour groups which we attracted to Sugar Loaf via sophisticated Social Media techniques were treated by several "businesses" in town after the Guild arranged incognito shopping sprees in November of 2015, we are placing further outlay from the $100,000 promotional budget on hold (unless somebody in Sugar Loaf contacts us with rational suggestions how best to spend the money in a way supporting the Guild Mission Statement).

7) Public Comment

Ratification process is used when no public comment is received.

Estimated duration:
4 minutes

Actual duration:
0 minutes 54 seconds

Meeting Flow Actual

In attendance were: Bob Fugett (Chair), Mary Endico (Recording Secretary), Wayne Diltz "Wayner" (Special Guest Rock Star)

Bob warned of audio / photo / video recording; all stayed.

Mary started recording.

Bob called the meeting to order.

Mary started watch.

Bob called the meeting in session and restated the Guild Mission statement to promote inside Sugar Loaf the three proven aspects of successful local business which are:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

Mary took "Proof of Life Photo"


1) Streamlined fast track ratification process

In order to assure continuance of the protective effects of the Sugar Loaf Guild weekly public meetings which have proven the strongest block against lies about our character, motives, and actions (perpetrated by members of the now defunct Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce), we are streamlining meetings and will ratify and forward without discussion Agenda Items 2 through 6, absent attendance and input of community members other than Bob and Mary.

ACTION: Bob entertained motion to ratify and forward Items 2-7, Mary Endico so moved, Bob seconded, vote carried unanimously.

Bob closed the meeting and left to begin preparing minutes plus templates for future meetings.

Total elapsed meeting time: 54 secs (and the most exciting meeting of the Sugar Loaf Guild ever due to the presence of rock star Wayne "Wayner" Diltz who was also featured in the Time Herald Record issue shown in the Proof of Life photo! How cool was that!?)

Open to Public

Process Overview

All Guild Meetings are open to the full public, no membership required except for voting.

Agendas are finalized by noon the Monday before Wednesday meetings.

Meetings are audio recorded (and maybe video recorded) plus a "class photo" (proof of life) is taken of attendees to be published on the Sugar Loaf Guild website, etc.

Slightly relaxed Roberts Rules are enforced, so when in doubt speak out!

For background see the tiny hardcover book: Time Management, Winwood, 1990.

A FREE personal copy of the Winwood book is available to Guild members.

Be aware that Guild Meetings are sparsely attended, narrowly focused, and extremely short (though robustly productive).

If you wish to add an agenda item, come to the Endico studio in person (to confirm an email address) by noon of the Sunday before the regular Wednesday meeting, and Mary will submit the Item for consideration.

After confirmation of email, agenda items may be submitted by phone or electronically from the confirmed email address.

The Guild focuses exclusively on the following three concepts and only within Sugar Loaf, New York:

a) Make it yourself

b) Open your studio to the public

c) Post and keep full-time hours

We would like to expand into the area of product quality and customer service, but that is a complex issue which must be discussed and addressed by the full membership.

We are neither a non-profit organization nor a political action group.

We do not solicit money and only donate to worthy local community causes.

If you really need to call us names no offense is taken at NGO.

Anybody who tells you they are collecting money for the Guild is full of shit ... toss 'em out.

     Currently showing  14 Meeting minutes, agendas, and related

     for [  2016 Q1  |  2015 Q3-Q4  |  HOLD  ]



KEYTAP  Publication
Sugar Loaf, New York  10981