Prerequisites to Ph.D. Program in Studio
Master of Fine Arts plus language
requirement* from an accredited institution of higher learning.
Three letters of recommendation.
Four year residency in Sugar Loaf, New
York, as a working artist with studio open to the public maintaining full
time hours.
Those who believe art is not
a science do not know art.
Those who believe science is not an art do not know science.
— Bob Fugett
Available Grants
Lenny Silver $1,000.00 study grant is
available for use in any of the approved for-credit Sugar Loaf classes
including this Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts.
Numerous government grants and residency fellowship
grants are also available.
Application for grants along with entrance into
the program may be made in
person at the
Endico Watercolor Studio.
Although grants may be used for program
fees, government student loans (in fact
loans of any kind) are not accepted as payment in the doctoral studies
Too many students find themselves hobbled
by significant debt immediately on completion of many institutional upper
level programs, but the Sugar Loaf
University Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts remains an unencumbered
springboard for success in the arts.
Loans may of course be used for qualifying
undergraduate and graduate studies at other institutions.
Program Supervisor
Bob Fugett, Ph.D. [Why]
● 40 year resident artist Sugar Loaf, New
● Leader and member of numerous community groups
● Consultant
and adviser for many Sugar Loaf artists
● Partner,
manager, promotional and technical services for
Endico Watercolor Studio
● Composer, performer, mixing and recording engineer of
Factory Preset
● Master musician whose main instrument
is the
written word.
Truth Beauty Art (Bob's lifelong interest in the Arts)
MacMurray College (how Bob gained the skills required)
Full credentials on request with application to Ph.D. Program
Wide range of studies specifically directed
at achieving a high degree of success as an independent self-directed
culturally significant artist.
Includes use of digital and traditional
tools in all media establishing a successful working environment and
promotional presence for leading community-wide improvement resulting in a significant
positive cultural impact.
Rigorous study of writing, semiotics,
communication skills, collector relations, project management and accounting
systems, museum level archival
For general orientation to the program read:
How to Write a Dissertation
(on the Purdue website)
The Sugar Loaf University Ph.D. Program
in Studio Arts follows the same line of thought as outlined on the
Purdue website linked above.
For more information visit the
Endico Watercolor Studio.
The first question on the application for
entrance into the program asks:
"Does the Sugar Loaf University Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts exist?"
[support your answer by citing sources]
Program Committee
Bob Fugett, Ph.D.
Mary Endico (Ph.D.
Clay Boone (tenured professor)
Excuse us for a moment while we feed Google:
PhD Program in Studio Arts
Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts
PhD Program in Studio Arts
Phd. Program in Studio Arts
Doctoral Program in Studio Arts
Summer reading and mandatory orientation to the Sugar Loaf
University, PhD Program in Studio Arts:

Botanical Rain: the semiotics of an enduring Endico image
Print Version ISBN: 978-0-9827073-1-9
Those who believe art is not a science, do
not know art.
Those who believe science is not an art, do
not know science.
Creative and artistic excellence is something
that absolutely can be studied, learned, and implemented with
great and consistent success.
This book is about a single watercolor by
Mary Endico, painted as a plein air from memory when she was
only 23 years old.
For nearly half a century afterwards the
watercolor "Botanical Rain" has been a perennial favorite on
display in the Endico watercolor studio.
During that time Mary has sold more than
21,000 of her own original watercolors, painted by her own hand
and self-sold directly to collectors visiting her studio in
Sugar Loaf, NY.
Today Endico paintings are found in permanent
collections of museums and "Botanical Rain" is a favored
magazine cover image.
This book reveals the foundations of Mary's
long standing process that has resulted in her lifetime of
success as a professional watercolor artist. |
Draft mode details of PhD Program in Studio
Arts found
People have begun calling Mr. Fugett:
Dr. Bob.
He, however, prefers the more formal: Dr. Bobby.

Head of Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts,
Dr. Bobby,
shown conducting
a Master Class in Cycling Pain.
(pro bono)
Nov. 19, 2006
photo of Bob Fugett and Mary Endico Fugett by: Paul Levine (one of the cycling
industry greats)
shown Left > Right: Mary Endico, George Meyer, Dan
McNeilly, Peter Cotsis, Joe
Straub (Straub's Fitness), Bob Fugett [rider behind Peter Cotsis unidentified]
*language requirement:
English as primary language is assumed though not required; speaking knowledge
of a second language plus reading knowledge of a third is required.
03/18/17: As of today
search engine text returns for this page have stalled in the top 20, but
given the Sugar Loaf University Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts is the only true Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts (proven by
searching for either PhD Program in Studio Arts or Ph.D. Program in Studio
Arts inside of quotes reveals this is the only page which will be returned),
it behooves me to put a few more instances of the character string here.
That is exactly what this paragraph accomplishes. Image returns for PhD
Program in Studio Arts or Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts without quotes have
already been returning this page as 1, 2, 3 for some time. Only bots have
been hitting this page in any case which proves the market for such programs
is very small though institutions still pad their returns by misdirecting
interested students to their own significantly different programs.
03/23/17: Ok, the
paragraph above worked, and one of the Sugar Loaf University Ph.D. Program
in Studio Arts return types is now in the top 10, so
another mention of my big two search goals (Sugar Loaf University PhD Program in Studio Arts
and Sugar Loaf University
Ph.D. Program in Studio Arts) couldn't hurt! Further explanation is best
left for inclusion in the Ph.D. program itself.